Італійський кінематограф 50-80-х років минулого століття став золотим фондом світової культури.

The international competition presents both feature-length films and short films.

The competition has its own jury and prize. It is a great launchpad for aspiring Ukrainian filmmakers. Fiction, documentary and animated short films are accepted into the competition.

The new full-length competitive documentary film program, within which directors present their debut works. The program was launched to mark the 50th anniversary of the "Molodist" festival.

An attempt to speak with a younger generation in cinematic language and to understand their way of thinking. The program is designed for kids & teens aged 10-14.

53th 'Molodist' is here! The festival opens with Lukasz Karwowski's film 'Two Sisters'.

A traditional festival program that has been attracting the attention of audiences and media for over a decade. It includes participants of the official selections and prize winners of the major film festivals of the world – Cannes, Berlin, Locarno, Karlovy Vary, etc.

A sequence of unusual film events that go beyond the formal framework of the traditional festival programming.

National and world premieres of feature films made in Ukraine or with Ukrainian coproduction.

A non-competition program that introduces the Ukrainian audience to the most prominent representatives of European cinema deliver stories from all corners of the Scandinavian countries.

A dreamlike program follows the tradition of late screenings. Here at night, unconventional genre films have a special flair.

Introduced in 2018, Forma showcases unique experimental and challenging films that prove cinema has yet long to live.

Initiated at the 39th Molodist KIFF, this program is dedicated to centennials of renowned masters of cinema.

The final film of the 53th Molodist is Damian Kocur's, picture about a Ukrainian family of four on vacation in the Canary Islands who become refugees overnight when Russia’s ongoing occupation of Ukraine turns into a full-scale invasion.