Molodist Kyiv international film festival
09 February 2021

Italian Classics Cinema Club

From 18th February at Zhovten cinema

From 18th February Molodist KIFF together with Embassy of the the Italian Republic in Kyiv and the Italian Cultural Institute in Ukraine launches a new project – Italian Classics Cinema Club

«Italian Classics Film Club» is a series of screenings of 10 classic films by prominent Italian directors of the XX. Fellini, Antonioni, Visconti and many others will be reborn on the big screens on the eve of the fiftieth anniversary of the Molodist FF. All participants are winners of international and Italian regional film festivals, which reveal familiar topics with a slight charm of Italian temperament: from a drama about mercantilism to a scandalous satirical comedy that challenges consumerism.

Buy tickets via the link.


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