Molodist Kyiv international film festival
07 February 2019

Ukrainian Queer Shorts on Jugendfilmtage IFF

Ukrainian LGBTQ films will be represented on  Schweizer Jugendfilmtage International Film Festival.

The program Breaking through Silence – Ukrainian Queer Shorts was combined by Kyiv IFF Molodist' program coordinator Bohdan Zhuk. 


I HAVE A FRIEND / «У мене є друг»

Director: Dmytro Moiseyev

Fiction / 2009 / 29' / Ukraine


EXARCH / «Екзарх»

Director: Nadia Parfan, Maria Stoianova

Documentary / 2014 / 10' / Ukraine


KITTENS / «Котики»

Director: Zhanna Ozirna

Documentary / 2017 / 9' / Ukraine


AFTERTASTE / «Післясмак»

Director: Yura Katynskyi

Fiction / 2017 / 19' / Ukraine

«LGBTQ» is one of the most provocative and sensitive words in Ukraine these days. It becomes a litmus test for progressive or antiquated views, sparks discussions all over social media, while essentially remaining taboo in one-on-one conversations. Conservatism, religion, media propaganda (largely from Russia) over decades have constructed an image of a feathery and glittery effeminate gay man feared or despised by Ukrainians - the majority of which haven’t actually met an LGBTQ person or at least don’t know about it. While there is progress with visibility - thanks to events such as KyivPride and Equality March, and in particular the Sunny Bunny programme at the Molodist festival which shows LGBTQ-themed films to a large audience since 2001 - we need much more of it. There are few openly LGBTQ public personalities - be it on television, show business, or politics, while numerous gays and lesbians choose to stay in the closet. Thus, a popular misconception remains that homosexuality is imposed by Western culture. And it becomes a somewhat heroic (and all the while provocative) deed to make a film with a queer subject. There is still no ‘queer’ cinema in Ukraine, and few filmmakers would identify as queer - so every small film becomes an event for the community. While there have only been shorts tackling LGBTQ-subjects, a few features are coming to screens soon. 

In this programme, we offer 3 recent short films as well as one that offers a bit of a retrospective look - both on Ukrainian cinema a decade ago, and on the social context of LGBTQ persons in that time.

Bohdan Zhuk, programmer of  Kyiv IFF Molodist

Date: March, 15

More details here


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