Arnold Cautious and the Happiness Stone

Arto Halonen is an award-winning director and producer. He was awarded the Finland Prize, which is the highest annual cultural prize awarded by the Minister of Education and Culture of Finland. In addition, he has received the City of Helsinki Culture Prize as only the third filmmaker ever to receive the price. His documentary THE SHADOW OF THE HOLY BOOK had a successful distribution worldwide, and was nominated for the European Film Academy’s award for the best documentary. Halonen’s first fiction feature PRINCES received a warm welcome around the world. His feature film, THE GUARDIAN ANGEL was awarded as Best Feature Film at the Gold Movie Awards in London, and he was nominated for Best Director.
Filmography: Antero Varovainen ja Onnenkivi (2023), Suomeen juurtuneet (2023), Takaisin valoon (2018), The Guardian Angel (2018), Valkoinen raivo (2015), Isänmaallinen mies (2013), Sinivalkoinen valhe (2012), Prinsessa (2010), Magneettimies (2009), Pyhän kirjan varjo (2007), Pavlovin koirat (2005), Taivasta vasten (2000), Karmapa — jumaluuden kaksi tietä (1998), Ringside (1992)