Tennis Mortis
Lawyer and Polish philologist by education (PhD in Literary Studies). A student of directing at the Krzysztof Kieślowski Film School at the University of Silesia in Katowice and a teacher at the State High School of Fine Arts in Katowice. Winner of several awards at national and international independent cinema festivals (for the films JA, CZŁOWIEK W KAPELUSZU I MÓJ BRAT and BERHAVERT). Finalist of the New Drama Scene at Wanda Siemaszkowa Theatre in Rzeszów (SUPERHERO, 2019) and Katowicka Runda Teatralna (KUSZENIE WOJCIECHA K. HOLLYWOODZKI HORROR W TRZECH AKTACH, 2019).
Filmography: Ja, człowiek w kapeluszu i mój brat (2010), Berhavert (2011) Superhero (2019), Pan szewc (2024)