Molodist Kyiv international film festival

Mother and Daughter, or The Night Is Never Complete

Special Events
Sakartvelo, France
t is 1930. A bitterly crying 2-year-old child is seeing her mother off on her way to a film shooting. An elderly man turns to the mother and asks her where she was going and whether it was worth the child’s tears. The film is an attempt to answer this question. The woman leaving for film shooting is Nutsa Gogoberidze – the first female filmmaker in Georgia and one amongst the first in the Soviet Union. The 2-year-old child is me — Lana Gogoberidze. In the 30s, Nutsa shot two films that were immediately banned by Soviet censorship. In 1937, during the times of Great Terror, she was arrested and exiled for 10 years. Her daughter, Lana Gogoberidze, relates their mutual story that reflects the horrible cataclysms of the epoch. And this is the answer of the author to the question posed in the prologue: whether the mother ́s departure was worth the child’s tears, as she was leaving to create something that would return the human being back to life and even dry up the tears of a child.
Lana Gogoberidze

Born in Tbilisi, Georgia, on October 13th, 1928. Her mother, Nutsa Gogoberidze, was the first Georgian female filmmaker. In 1953, Lana Gogoberidze graduated from Tbilisi State University. In 1958, she entered VGIK, Moscow State University of Cinematography, the only existing film school in the Soviet Union. Very soon, she became a part of the so-called New Wave of Georgian cinema, known as 'samotsianelebi' or the Generation of the 60s. Her films are considered as one of the first feminist films in the Soviet Union. In 1975, she co-founded and headed the Director’s Studio of the Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film faculty at the Georgian State University. In 1988, Lana Gogoberidze was elected President of the KIWI / Kino Women International /, headquartered in London. She has served as a jury member and chair at numerous international film festivals, including Berlin, Oberhausen, Rio de Janeiro, Créteil, Jerusalem, San-Remo, Thessaloniki, Tbilisi, and Mannheim.

Lana Gogoberidze was one of the initiators in founding the National Film Center in Georgia, modeled after the French system. In 1997, Lana Gogoberidze is awarded the French National Order of Merite, and in 2021 she has received the title of the Officer of the Order of Arts and Letters, a French state prize recognizing contribution to the field of art and literature.

Filmography: Deda-Shvili an rame ar aris arasodes bolome bneli (2023), Okros Dzapi (2019), Valsi Pechoraze (1992), Oromtriali (1987), Aurzauri salkhinetshi (1975), Peristvaleba (1968), Erti tsis kvesh (1961)

Creative team
Lana Gogoberidze
Lana Gogoberidze
Jean-Louis Padis
Lana Gogoberidze, Elene Murjikneli
Production design
Simon Machabeli
Rezo Kiknadze
Sound Design
Irakli Ivanishvili
Salome Alexi
Offline film schedule

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